
When Head and Heart Collide

Do you know that your heart is actually located in your right brain ?
If you don't, now you know (:

When I started my blog, the first thing I did was making it's logo
so just by looking at the logo people can have a glimpse of idea about what this blog is all about. 
After combining my interest, passion, and things I love, 
I told my sister to make a logo where heart and brain collides.
Because I see my blog as another way to express my feelings and thoughts on things
that I see or I find interesting in everyday life. 
So I come up with a short explanation about the logo:
"a curious mind with a piece of thought".

Artists often time work with their right brain, because right brain enable you to feel,
to imagine things that never were, go with your guts, 
see the bigger picture, and can be subjective. 
While those who works with their left brain tend to be more logic, 
that's why the only way to convince them is by showing some facts, 
they look into a finer detail and analyze them.
Those traits help them to be more objective. 

With my heart and by now it is obvious that I'm definitely a right brain person,
I see and feel things around me.
God also talk to us through our heart and the right brain will help us capture it. 
Whilst with my left brain well even if its only a few percent I collect some data and facts
from books, internet, magazine and even polling. 
It also enable me to use a lot of common sense !
When two aspects compound I am able to give you "a piece of thought". 

So, by combining love and logic this blog is made (:

Photograph by: Nisita

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