
Sweet Scent of Jasmine I didn’t Realize I have

My jasmine is bloomiiiing oh wow no wonder I have smelled a very nice fragrance the whole day especially since I'm working in front of my laptop the smell grew stronger. 

I never really like flowers before or any kind of plants particularly. I can't even value scenery until a few years a go my sister start surfing and we began to spend most of our weekend on the beach from the sunrise till sunset. Sometimes we get sunburn but it doesn't bother us as long as we get the right tan we're looking for. 

trying to stand up on the surf board

the kind of sunburn i meant

not so right tan LOL

Earlier whenever my sis and I go on a tour we spend it by talking the whole trip or in my case I took a sleeping pill so I can sleep through it.
I thought it's normal until I spend some of the road trip with various friends. Along the road they keep on looking and commenting about how beautiful the scenery is and try to stay up even if we travel at night.
often times they would hit me to force me up so we can enjoy the scenery together but eventually they give up (because I took the sleeping pill remember) lol ! 

on one of the trip, see she's so ready to sleep

What really bad is when you say something "beautiful" I couldn't picture a thing. It's weird considering that I'm a right brain person.

I didn't say that I like flowers now but at least I come to appreciate it and oh remember about my post "A Visit To The Market" ? Guess that explains.
Last month I even come up with an idea of gardening. Well okay, to be honest the idea came right after I finished reading about this book which narrate a story about some people who has an allotment for each field. Some of them would plant potato, carrot, etc. 

hey, i didn't even know we have this

or this

Clearly that each plant, vegetable and flower can't grow well with any kind of soil so you gotta learn about the soil, understand the level of the water the plant needs and also the fertilizer.
And I find it rather interesting if not challenging. So I guess I'm gonna start to read books of gardening or how to cultivate your land :D
And after that if it's simple enough I'm gonna start to make the most out of my garden.





Vintage Treasure Photoshoot 2

Hello beeps here are our second shot for Vintage Treasure, this photo shoot is dominated by bright colors, still dresses and some of jackets.
Personally I like these shots better as we have more time and preparation.
We work long hours for this shot until we're exhausted but it comes out pretty well.
You see, hard work really paid off  :D

So again I'd like to thank all the crew who had worked so hard for this shot. We couldn't have made it without your effort, patience and not to mention your fine talents.

As usual if you want to see the whole collection come visit Vintage Treasure and if you want to see the work of one of our photographer feel free to check her out ;)

I really hope you beeps can enjoy this as much as I do


Last but not least, this is the one I favored

PS: expect another photo shoot soon,
      I'm giving a little hint for you to use your imagination
      outdoor this time yippie !!


A Trip To The Market

The other day my sister and I went to a traditional market at the center of the town.
There are so many things you can find in and around the market.

plenty of mouth watering fruit to sustain you for the whole month

At first we went to see some of the textile stores to buy some of the fabric for the sample of our clothing line. There are plenty of beautiful fabrics from cotton to silk from the cheapest to the most expensive one with various colors too. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to take the pictures of those beautiful fabrics but I promise to take them for you next time I'm there.

At noon both of us has already starving so we try to find some of the market delicacies cause we feel like eating the traditional food. It turns out not as easy as we expected. On our way my sister hunt for boxes while I'm lost at the traditional dessert's corner where I found some of my childhood dessert.

I didn't stay long there because my stomach can't cooperate so I call my sister and arrange our meeting point which coincidentally in front of the traditional meal we've been craving for hooray !!

our end of the "quest" aka lunch yippie

this is incredibly delicious

After a fulfill lunch we head to the parking area and ready to go home but look what I found...

What a colorful and satisfying market don't you think : )


Rosh Hashanah 5771

Hello again, just want to drop some of the pictures from the celebration of Rosh Hashanah a couple of weeks a go. Enjoy : )

apple symbolizes the sweetness you'll experience during the year

my sis and I wearing tallit a Jewish prayer shawl, this one is actually for man lol !

Israel and Palestine gather in peace :D

we are very obedient in following the dress code rule

in front of Israel's flag
Hope you can also feel the festive !


Widen Your Perspective

This week I started to wake up early and start to do an exercise which suppose to be easy because I live in one of the most beautiful island in the world. Since I always procrastinate on things I like less or I found hard to do this finally happen after 6 months of long "thinking and consideration" lol !

I remember the other day I was talking to my sister about how crucial it is for us to improve ourselves in every possible area in our life. So I determined to improve myself in my less favorite area, exercise that is. 

I wouldn't have to go to the gym like I used to do in a big city, you know how it is, instead I can luxuriate in a breath of fresh air right from the beach overlooking the white sand and the blue sea, listen to the wave, and feel the sea breeze. Not to mention the sweat while I jog and talk.

see from my point of view

the sand sculpture

my jogging partner

You don't really sweat in a gym with the AC unless you work hard enough.

You heard of a saying when you start something you already half way winning. But to get to the other half you need perseverance and persistence. So pray for me peeps so I can achieve my "medal" for being discipline and fit : )


Right after jog I met a friend for dinner. Since I move back to the island I don't go out much so after six months it become a habit for me to be a homebody which I actually am. Often time I have to drag myself out or I make any excuse so I don't have to go out and meet new people as I used to do before.
But this one time part of me said I must go and see if I might find things that can amuse me, besides I've cancel my friend too many times. 

Things went well and it made me realize one of the reason why I love meeting new people is that so I can learn from their point of view and perceive from their perspective. It makes us rich you know !
That's also the reason why I love reading.

Having lived in Jakarta for six months, he is able to asses in a preciseness of how the government work and how the policy they made has a lot of impact to our people especially from lower society not to mention all the taxes that never really comes back to the people.
I learn so many things in one night one of them is to understand that when you have a dream you have to chase it. 

My friend came from Germany so I have a lot of things to catch up from their culture to their idealism.
As long as you are open to new things and you have the willingness to learn I believe we all can improve.

From now on we should start to be more discipline to do things we like less and widen our perspective by being open minded on people's point of view.


Cheers :D


Vintage Treasure Photoshoot

This post  was actually made on August 28, 2010 but I was procrastinating by making a lot of excuses.
My apologies for this inexcusable delay and now without any further I present you Vintage Treasure photo shoot. 

Hello peeps, today is quite an exhausting yet a very exciting day for me cause Vintage Treasure my  clothing line had a photo shoot and God’s been so gracious by letting me work with some talented friends of mine; Diah, Enjie, Chrisya Sabaru, Jasmine and of course my beloved sister Valerie.

We supposed to have three models but only one model available.  And since the other two can’t make it so there I was substituting them.  Even though it wasn’t my first experience as a model  but I still find it very difficult to make a pose, to follow the stylist direction, to create a moment, etc. So every time I do modeling I always come to appreciate all the models who doesn’t look good by doing nothing instead they work hard to translate the pose their stylist has instruct them (well, at least I do). 

I woke up at 5 this morning after having trouble to get my eight hours sleep. Then I went to a morning prayer followed by preparing stuff for the photo shoot. At five past nine people started to come and do the setting then at about ten we finally ready to begin.

The first few clothes were daunting or maybe I should put it as challenging. As we know most of the thing we begin is always the hardest one like when the first time you introduce yourself or when you learn about new things. Often time in a group they will do a game called “ice breaker”. Like its name the purpose is to break the ice/awkwardness. So there I was trying to put aside my fear which transform into a stiffness while both photographers and stylists at their best attempt to put me at ease.  As the result is sore on my back and shoulder, a little headache, and sleepy too but I try to stay up to finish this post so I can earn a little self discipline :p

Thank you so much Diah, Enjie, Chrisya, Jasmine, and Valerie for the kindness, hard work and the fun experience. Its been great working with all of you talented females who’s maximizing all your potentials, you guys have inspired me to break into another level. 

 This photo shoot isn’t done yet there will be another session with the other two models next week. In the meantime you guys can enjoy the real result of the photo shoot which I found very entertaining and while we’re waiting for the next session why don’t you guys tell me what you think about this photo shoot (:

I don't put all the pictures but you can click here to see more of our collection.

Photographer : Chrisya, Enjie, Diah 
Lighting : Enjie
Stylist : VaL
Model : Jasmine, GiselL


L’Shana Tovah !

It's Rosh Hashanah 5771 and after considering it too many times, I finally found the right time for me to publish my writing in my blog.

Rosh Hashanah is one of the holiest Jewish days, marking the beginning of the 10-day period of the Days of Awe, which ends on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah is a time of celebration and introspection


In Israel each year has differents meaning and this year 5771, I'm gonna explain a little bit for you to understand more about the Jewish culture.


or 70 means "eye" or "fountain" a fountain of wisdom or the ability to perceive wisdom. Ayin is a silent letter; it sees but it doesn't speak 
represent humility.


Aleph is the first letter or the father of the aleph-beth (Hebrew alphabet). It is the symbol of ox which represent strength and leader.

Like ayin, aleph is solent. It symbolyzes the breath of God and the mysteries of the oneness of God. Since aleph is the ox, let's examine the significance of the ox.   An ox was the most valuable animal an Israelite would own.  It was a beast of burden that brought great increase to its owners. The ox speaks of the ability and zeal necessary to build, establish and prosper.

So to me the year 5771 Ayin Aleph means in humility we will have the ability to perceive wisdom to have the desire and strength to establish and prosper.

Enjoy the whole month of goodness, gracious and blessings. And I myself am going to cherish the Days of Awe (10 days until Yom Kippur) by spending more time with my family and loved ones and also give thanks to my faithful Lord : )

Me and my friends will celebrate Rosh Hashanah in music and festive with a dress code inspired by Israel's flag, so much fun !!

In case any of you are in the area why not stop by and join the festive with us ;)

I wish you all a very sweet new year, fruitful and multiply in this year ahead. Shana Tovah !