
L’Shana Tovah !

It's Rosh Hashanah 5771 and after considering it too many times, I finally found the right time for me to publish my writing in my blog.

Rosh Hashanah is one of the holiest Jewish days, marking the beginning of the 10-day period of the Days of Awe, which ends on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah is a time of celebration and introspection


In Israel each year has differents meaning and this year 5771, I'm gonna explain a little bit for you to understand more about the Jewish culture.


or 70 means "eye" or "fountain" a fountain of wisdom or the ability to perceive wisdom. Ayin is a silent letter; it sees but it doesn't speak 
represent humility.


Aleph is the first letter or the father of the aleph-beth (Hebrew alphabet). It is the symbol of ox which represent strength and leader.

Like ayin, aleph is solent. It symbolyzes the breath of God and the mysteries of the oneness of God. Since aleph is the ox, let's examine the significance of the ox.   An ox was the most valuable animal an Israelite would own.  It was a beast of burden that brought great increase to its owners. The ox speaks of the ability and zeal necessary to build, establish and prosper.

So to me the year 5771 Ayin Aleph means in humility we will have the ability to perceive wisdom to have the desire and strength to establish and prosper.

Enjoy the whole month of goodness, gracious and blessings. And I myself am going to cherish the Days of Awe (10 days until Yom Kippur) by spending more time with my family and loved ones and also give thanks to my faithful Lord : )

Me and my friends will celebrate Rosh Hashanah in music and festive with a dress code inspired by Israel's flag, so much fun !!

In case any of you are in the area why not stop by and join the festive with us ;)

I wish you all a very sweet new year, fruitful and multiply in this year ahead. Shana Tovah !


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