
Vintage Treasure Photoshoot

This post  was actually made on August 28, 2010 but I was procrastinating by making a lot of excuses.
My apologies for this inexcusable delay and now without any further I present you Vintage Treasure photo shoot. 

Hello peeps, today is quite an exhausting yet a very exciting day for me cause Vintage Treasure my  clothing line had a photo shoot and God’s been so gracious by letting me work with some talented friends of mine; Diah, Enjie, Chrisya Sabaru, Jasmine and of course my beloved sister Valerie.

We supposed to have three models but only one model available.  And since the other two can’t make it so there I was substituting them.  Even though it wasn’t my first experience as a model  but I still find it very difficult to make a pose, to follow the stylist direction, to create a moment, etc. So every time I do modeling I always come to appreciate all the models who doesn’t look good by doing nothing instead they work hard to translate the pose their stylist has instruct them (well, at least I do). 

I woke up at 5 this morning after having trouble to get my eight hours sleep. Then I went to a morning prayer followed by preparing stuff for the photo shoot. At five past nine people started to come and do the setting then at about ten we finally ready to begin.

The first few clothes were daunting or maybe I should put it as challenging. As we know most of the thing we begin is always the hardest one like when the first time you introduce yourself or when you learn about new things. Often time in a group they will do a game called “ice breaker”. Like its name the purpose is to break the ice/awkwardness. So there I was trying to put aside my fear which transform into a stiffness while both photographers and stylists at their best attempt to put me at ease.  As the result is sore on my back and shoulder, a little headache, and sleepy too but I try to stay up to finish this post so I can earn a little self discipline :p

Thank you so much Diah, Enjie, Chrisya, Jasmine, and Valerie for the kindness, hard work and the fun experience. Its been great working with all of you talented females who’s maximizing all your potentials, you guys have inspired me to break into another level. 

 This photo shoot isn’t done yet there will be another session with the other two models next week. In the meantime you guys can enjoy the real result of the photo shoot which I found very entertaining and while we’re waiting for the next session why don’t you guys tell me what you think about this photo shoot (:

I don't put all the pictures but you can click here to see more of our collection.

Photographer : Chrisya, Enjie, Diah 
Lighting : Enjie
Stylist : VaL
Model : Jasmine, GiselL

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