
Folly Vs Prudent

I just read a blog from a public figure because I was intrigued by the headline.
She wrote about a war in one of the country in Middle East and gave a very witless comment
about it after she saw what happen in the news one time only.
That is just unwise and not a clever thing to do for a public figure to write
and put a very strong statement and comment on a politic situation
especially when it's not our own country.
If it's our own country we get to comment freely because we live in the country and
we know the situation better than just an outsider.

Knowing that she has a lot of reader and by writing such a careless post
she could easily induced her reader that can potentially become their belief.
Especially when most of the reader are teenagers who are looking for a role model
when they're still in search for their identity.

You know how teenagers are right ?
I've been through that phase and I've seen the pattern and motives in repetition from time to time.
Nothing's new with their behavior really.  
A phase of age that is still vulnerable but at the same time have a prominent potential !
A generation that needs a special care that comes with a package says "FRAGILE !!! Handle with care".

I have no intention to undermine the writer/public figure.
Of all the people you know I'm the one you can point liberally for doing too many impulsive and foolish things.
Everyone has their own voice and everyone's a critic yes !
But all I'm asking is please act wise before you say or do something that involve others especially if it affects a certain organization or a country

So, here's a piece of thought for today:  
if you are not educated on a certain subject it's best to say nothing
than to humiliate yourself

pics are taken from the recent water park grand opening on 1.1.11

Behind The Birth of this blog

 Finally this is the result of the work of art I've mentioned on
my first post this year.
It's done exactly in 30 days ohh I'm on high !

It was a joyous experience to work with Nisita and Enjie,
young immensely talented young women.
To be involved in the making and editing process is another wonder for me.
This girls know exactly what they're doing
and they add no fuss to it !

This surely not be the last time we make art together.
A special thanks goes to Hendra the manager who have worked as hard as the girls
Much love and respect also goes to Valerie my sister slash make up artist.

I love reading and I found through writing I’m opening my heart to others, sharing thoughts that intrigue me in everyday life, and as funny as it sounds I feel alive when I’m writing

I have millions err.. zillions of thoughts trying to get out of my head

Cause I have a curious mind. I tend to ask too many questions

Questions open your eyes and make you think deeper, wider, and through question you’ll find unexpected answer

Words impress me. If a man can speak eloquently and beautifully to me, I just melt on the floor

Music also help me when I'm writing but it also depend on my mood at the time

It’s a self expression

I can also translate my passion which is
fashion, beauty, photography and education

There are some people who think more than they talk and some who talk more than they think. But I’m this rare hybrid who thinks much and talk in a ridiculously amount of words. So I figured why not start a blog where I can talk my mind into it and remember my thought at the same time

I’m an open book, much easier for you to read

I know inspiration comes unnoticed so I really pay attention to things especially people around me

As I say before, sharing always add sweetness to life
So I found this blog as another way to share

PS: Please don't mind the quality of the video,
      this is the maximum limit of the video that can be uploaded
      i'll find a way to give you better one ;)


Good Work Can't Be Delayed

I was totally fingered today, I was up all night because some of my buds are visiting me
and they almost wear me out. 
But I was wangled to stay up during morning service at church, 
almost fall asleep by the end of the service though. 
The service finish at 12ish, I've pictured in mind I can fly straight to bed
but my photographer friends have something else in mind that has to be done by today.
They didn't insist but I'm not one to pass on such a cool opportunity.
So we did it anyway.
It's midnight and I still can't sleep and I have to be up by 6 tomorrow *sigh* 

I am charmed to have a marvelous team who know how to be spontaneous.
It reminds me of one of my favorite sentence
"I'm up for anything" 
I should add almost to that statement actually (:
My make up artist which is my sis were so tired today but when I tell her about this,
she come up with a dramatic make up for this shoot.
The location quite catchy today
but we were all very excited.
I can't wait to show you the outcome of this shoot,
so I'm gonna give you behind the scene
taken by my sis blackberry. 

  Keep checking back people !

this awesome faux fur jacket is reversible
my favorite make up artist

on our way with this gothic make up

tip toeing on the edge of the stone

the location was tough, see the blood ? i throw this shoes away as soon as we're done with the shoot


What Do You Do For Fun ?

Check out what I've been up to this couple of days
Now that I've shared mine, it's your turn to answer 
the question above.

Photograph by: Nugroho Photography

The Consequence of Living in The Most Beautiful Island

You know for sure when you live in the island you will have an additional job
as a freelance guide to whomever you know.
From friends to relative to the friend's of your friends. 
Suddenly it become your responsibility to show them around 
and by that I meant to show them a good time otherwise you will ruin the good reputation of the island. 
Not that I mind. 
The longer I live here the more I am attach to this island
and it has became a privilege for me 
to give the best service for people to feel welcome and 
at ease when they're visiting the island. 

Me and my sis collaborated to give you a little feel
about the beautiful culture of our island. 
Actually we both were so tired because this week has been one of the toughest
and busiest week for us. 
But rather than drowning in emotional fatigue we think of a way to amuse ourselves. 
  We were taking pics in the front yard when my Dad arrived. 
So I hid and gave him an official welcome of Balinese style ;)
He wasn't surprise :(
Because he has seen too many goofy things we did.
Like the other time I welcome him while wearing a tiger costume 
complete with the tail, the head, and the sound of a roaring tiger. 
We were lucky he didn't jump off his feet.

Well anyway, hopefully you can jolly along with us 
when you see the pics although it's not as funny as the making. 
Whoever you are, if you ever find yourself in the island, 
you know where to go, yes me ! Choose me to be your guide !
I'll make sure I clear my schedule for you to enjoy the best of the island
Kisses for now...

don't try this at home ! you cant wear your fringe down when you wear this formal costume


Justify Your Love

the gorgeous groom

my stunning sister

isn't she lovely ? i did her make up ;)

Andina my long time buddy with her precious son, Mikael

Love is the most wonderful thing on earth 
It's the greatest blessing one could ever experience. 
In this case love come in a form of two love bird who has tied the knot 
and decided to make a commitment that last for the rest of their life. 
It's a great honor for me to witness the wedding of my childhood friend, 
I've known the groom since he's in the fifth grade. 
He's an extraordinary boy who has grown into a man. 
Time really flies. 
I was so blessed to be there and share the happiest moment of his life.


So What Is There To Fear ?

It's 2011 people and I'm feeling ecstatic just don't let me go up into the jittery phase hahha...

Let's see what have I done last year, not much of a good deeds I suppose. 
Started by the end of 2009 till early  2010 I've put on quite a show 
and by that I've hit the lowest moment of my life.
But all I can say is those experiences, the pain, the hurt, the embarrassment,
and a little over taking risk 
made me better today (:

Like I said before, I regret nothing cause I've learned to live life to the fullest !
Not to be cocky here but I'll make sure I won't repeat the same mistake ;)

I've made some plans and goals for this year which I've never done before,
that alone is a progress for me. 
One of those plan is to really take care of this blog so I can develop my passion,
drizzled some fresh ideas, 
create more art and continue become blessing for you kids :D

 Despite all the calamity and catastrophe we had early this year
or even all the failure we had last year
let us all face the future fearlessly by keeping
the hope alive cause we know the future is BRIGHT !

I've mentioned on my first post this year,
I had a few smashing opportunities to work with some well known art worker
such as two young and beautiful videographer
and a bunch of photographer with bellow 10 years experience with the feet still planted on the ground. 
I have no time to feel awkward because they blend right away 
and in a second they made me feel at ease. 
I figured the secret why we bond so quick is because 
we did things we love (: 

I'll put the result of our hunting time as soon as human possible,
in the meantime feel free to enjoy pics from behind the scene
which I took with my camera. 
Hope you get the feel of our hunting like.

you see the hunk with the black shirt among the photographer, that's my baby bro

my sis in action, i managed to persuade her to join this shoot

one of the photographer with the lens to die for

walking with Yuda my fav crew, notice our similar skin tone ;)


Holiday To Remember

traffic jam

a very rare occasion
also very rare

empty street = almost impossible
a rare experience :D

breakfast at T's

does MJ had a resurrection or is it MJ wanna be ? wrong guess, it's E from Vegas baby !

my gorgeous Puty

ABG Paul

Our beloved Dr. T

pre-Christmas dinner with both my dearest

Glen and Sasha from Russia with love :p
I love being silly with you beksie *kisses*

catching up with Golda

the Soon to Be Bride, can you believe it ??

a bule eating at roadside in the midst of street musician hmm... i  wonder

last day after a few days of sleep deprived

Had a short and sweet holiday, been able to spend time with my close friends 
and apparently this time I manage to stay out of trouble :p

Time flies in a blink of an eye, I was squeezed between endless meetings here and there.

It requires a lot of energy to keep up with the big city.
But I surely cherish every passing day I've spent there.

So I decided to be a Santa this year not only I get a wonderful opportunity to give but I myself get a very special gift from God, I had my precious friend back after almost a year separated.
Can't be happier no ! 

I learn so much from Dr. T, he's a remarkable host I felt so welcome and he went the extra mile to make sure I get the most of my holiday. I'd be delighted to give 10 out of 10 for his hospitality.
Not to mention the curfew he gave me ;)

Thank you for making my holiday turning into a magical one.
Each one of you really take part of making each moment truly treasured. 
I'm sure I'll be back sooner if not more often ;)