
Smile Looks Good On You

I bet you've heard that before.

In my case it has been a slogan for quite a long time.
Why did I call it slogan ? Because I know the power of smile yet I deny its power by not exercising it often for various reasons.

Like for example I don't want to appear too cheerful or too nice , cause they might end up thinking it's just too much for them to bear or another time I just don't feel like giving one or...
The point is you can come up with whatever reason you have but when I sum up all those reasons in one word it would be pride.

And you probably heard when you give smile you get smile in return.
I almost convince that it's not a theory anymore but it has become a law.
Because every time I smile people will smile back at me.
There's never one single smile i give is not returned to me.

Try for yourself if you don't believe me.

A smile is also a powerful weapon , you can even break ice with it.
Isn't that nice ?
Now I feel like breaking some ice :D

Like this one time in a concert I don't see any familiar faces and then came this guy whom I know but I never really talk to him since he's my junior and he's also very shy.
Filled by pleasure of meeting someone I knew I decided to throw him a smile.
At that time he was walking in a bit of papaya's face even after he saw me (before I smile). But it all change when he saw me smiling at him, immediately his mouth form a cheerful yet a very sweet smile that cause his eyes glowing at the same time.
Oh wow I could never look at him the same !

It's amazing how much more comfortable and secure we are when we smile at one another and how much discomfort and insecurity we cause one another when we go around with a sour look on our face.
We need to cheer up. When we relax and smile, it makes us and everyone around us feel better.

And just so you know a smile can transform you from a mere boring 6 to a beatific 9 whoo hoo !!!

with V, she covered her face cause she said she looks fat here

Another power of a simple smile is that you can made someone's day and by doing so you already become a blessing for others.
A simple smile can easily win someone's heart
Be it a new acquaintance, a new colleague, or even a hater, anything is possible !
This is what I mean when I say "little things that matters" (:

Even my sis whom very seldom smiling has finally come to her senses by saying she'll give out more smile to others from now on so they can get to know her better.
A little insight about my sister, people were afraid of her because she's infamous for her unfriendly manner and face lol !
I don't want to make it sound too scary to you, she's actually a very kind person at heart. If you go one step closer or two at her, you'll immediately realize how wonderful she is actually.
Again, don't judge a book by it cover !

It's for us to learn to smile first to those who find it hard to exercise a simple smile, in this way we are opening a path for them to experience kindness and love. And on our side we'll see how we actually need one and another and look beyond someone's charisma to their real self which is character.

smiling at last !

smiling with my baby and puty

I will close this post with the quote from George Eliot:

Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles~~

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