
Innocent Plaids

I am proud I was born in a generous family.
Looking back I see my Mom as a cheerful giver, in fact it was one of her hobbies to giveaway things. There's no time of her life when she doesn't think of others.
My Dad has shown the same indication even though he's more of a silent giver. Both of them always put others first, they care of others welfare, and they are full of compassion.

They never really teach us how to give yet they SHOW us how to give.
Now I began to see where all these generous nature in me came from.

My sister is an extravagant giver.
When she's not doing business all she does is giving.
My brother is more like my Dad, he's more reserved than us girls.
But it is clear by how he treats his friends. He doesn't mind when his friends borrow his recent purchase clothes or buy his friends dinner.
He and my Dad are always drawn to friends who are less fortunate than they are.

I learn so much from each member of my family, they are the true selfless person. I am unquestionably blessed to be part of this precious family.
A family that consist of compassion, gentleness, thoughtfulness, and down to earth.

Love is giving and forgiving, it summarizes in one word sacrifice.
The more I learn about it, I will give more and will definitely receive more and the outcome is the greater joy.

Most people (secretly) think when you give it means you loose a certain part of your portion. It's actually the other way around.
When someone gives what you wish for your happiness will last a few hours, a few days top ! But when you give what others wish the feeling is beyond words. The greatest reward is when you see their happy and surprised face, priceless !

So the saying is true "Greater is the joy to give than to receive,,
Don't believe it ? Try for yourself !


Bring It On !

What is problem ?

I prefer to address problem as challenge

Challenge for what you said

Challenge to be creative, to be patient, to control situation not the other way around, to learn from different perspective, and finally to overcome yourself in other word to humble you and to be a mature person. 

Here are a few things to do when challenge arrive:
Cool, calm, collected, and confident and you’ll be able to solve it 

There will be a way provided for you when you’re surrender and learn from it.
If you fail in the first challenge like any other subject you learn from school you just have to repeat it again and again oh well at least until you pass the test. 
If you pass the test the similar test will be given to you again in a little more complicated way. So that next time you’ll be more familiar even in trickiest situation. 

Research shows that satisfaction thrives on a challenge. The moments where life gets difficult are when the brain produces the most dopamine (a neurotransmitter that governs reward and learning in the brain). The pleasure center of the brain is active when its almost too challenged to succeed, rather than just loving life when everything is incredibly easy.
It’s as if we need to experience failures in order to enjoy our successes. 

You see problem you’re facing right now prepare you not to look dumb in the next situation, to make you look like a pro, a person who knows exactly what to do when everybody else clueless.
Experiencing challenges help you become a bigger better person which necessary for the world nowadays. 

We don’t have to get out safely from it, some people come out wounded, some even have scars for them to remember the lesson.
It doesn’t matter the point is we learn something, we change, act on it and finally move on. From where we said. From our tedious old self ! What else ?

That’s the point from all the lesson we get from challenges we have.
We are not good enough and God is interesting to change us from good to great and challenge is one of the best way He ever intended.

Cheers guys !


Choose Love

 As one grows along came options 
And with those 
Choices have to be made
Life gives us freedom 
And choice

I don't have to work
Sixteen hours a day
But I love working
Sixteen hours a day

I love what I do

It's always up
To us 
To make 
A difference 

Learn As You Go

“ Schedule pressure and fatigue rob us of courage and creativity,,

That is exactly what I’ve experienced  this past few months, haven’t got a spare time. Normally I have at least one day to catch up with friends but now with my mental schedule I hardly can do that unless my friend wants to join my "ride" than it's still possible to squeeze them for coffee or a bite. 
Lately I don't even have time for a lunch break, so I had to bring lunch from home and eat it on my way.

By the time I'm home and want to list everything down, I'm already beat. So in the midst of my busyness I add another work which is finding a structure for everything to run properly and fall into its place.
With everything going on at the same time and each task compete to grab my attention I found the importance of wisdom is substantial.

Despite of the serious schedule pressure, I learn about priority, which one is urgent, which one is important but not urgent.
I learn the importance of  relationship, how crucial it is to learn how to communicate well, how to treat other right.
I also learn that the bottom line of any business is BALANCE SHEET.

You might laugh at me now but the truth is numbers can say a whole lot about your business, mistakes you have made or you're about to make, moreover it speaks about who we really are aka CHARACTER.
And for that reason I took a short course study about accounting to make sure my "balance sheet" is right. In fact we spent our Saturday night learning MYOB, I guess that makes us an official geek...

As I adapt with some changes the way I perceive life has also changed for example I used to hold on tight to my motto in life, one of them is "Why work hard if you can work smart ?"
I used to compare my method of work with my sister's. I don't see some point of her working method that can't be changed with the way I do it. Although some of my ways are right but no matter how smart I think of something, work hard  can't be replaced by anything. That if you want to succeed.

I learn a lot from my sister, she may not be as sophisticated as I am but through her simplicity you can see an eager and willing soul to work hard and make her dreams come true.
Her curiosity and intuition gives her insight that this is not enough, there must be a better way or a better source thus motivate her to seek more, and understand that there is a price to pay.

One can always learn from anything and that's including learning even from the dullest moment in life.
In my case it's my schedule now, I may not have time to over think it but I certainly have time to contemplate at least before I go to bed.

Don't miss a thing, learn as you go...