I am proud I was born in a generous family.
Looking back I see my Mom as a cheerful giver, in fact it was one of her hobbies to giveaway things. There's no time of her life when she doesn't think of others.
My Dad has shown the same indication even though he's more of a silent giver. Both of them always put others first, they care of others welfare, and they are full of compassion.
They never really teach us how to give yet they SHOW us how to give.
Now I began to see where all these generous nature in me came from.
My sister is an extravagant giver.
When she's not doing business all she does is giving.
My brother is more like my Dad, he's more reserved than us girls.
But it is clear by how he treats his friends. He doesn't mind when his friends borrow his recent purchase clothes or buy his friends dinner.
He and my Dad are always drawn to friends who are less fortunate than they are.
I learn so much from each member of my family, they are the true
selfless person. I am unquestionably blessed to be part of this precious
A family that consist of compassion, gentleness, thoughtfulness, and down to earth.
Love is giving and forgiving, it summarizes in one word sacrifice.
The more I learn about it, I will give more and will definitely receive more and the outcome is the greater joy.
Most people (secretly) think when you give it means you loose a certain part of your portion. It's actually the other way around.
When someone gives what you wish for your happiness will last a few hours, a few days top ! But when you give what others wish the feeling is beyond words. The greatest reward is when you see their happy and surprised face, priceless !
So the saying is true
"Greater is the joy to give than to receive,,
Don't believe it ? Try for yourself !